These candles are created using a long developed technique, featuring a beautiful and intricate design. Once lit, the colors glow magnificently and the design is brought to life.
- Candles can be refilled! (A refill kit may be placed within the candle once a sufficient amount of wax has been burnt from the candle. Please refer to the burning instructions above. The refill kit consist of a plastic insulator, glass votive holder, and two wax votive candles.)
- Care instructions: -Burn candles in draft-free areas.
-Do not allow the hot pool of wax to extend past the inner edge of top disc (or within a half inch from candles edge) .
-Burning the candle for too short of durations can result in a narrow well which will not allow for extended burn time or area to place refill kit.
-Keep wick trimmed to 1/4”. - Made in USA